

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Colin Farrell tattoos

Colin  Farrell tattoos are certainly just as interesting as  he is. Colin is one of those bad boy types who are not necessarily always in the limelight, but you just know that  he is something.
Colin Farrell currently has five tattoos that we know of, including a fairly large tribal tattoo on his right shoulder and down his arm, which he got while on vacation in Tahiti.
Colin also has a fairly good size Celtic cross on his left forearm with the words "Carpe Diem" Latin for "Seize the day" along the side.
He has a small lotus flower with the words "I Love No Matter 'tattooed on his chest.
And finally, the name "Millie" on his left ring finger. (Nickname of his first wife, Amelia Warner)

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